Crazy Capers

As we progress

Play to Learn

Let’s ‘Play to Learn’

Encourage the children to explore:

  • The activities on Crazy Capers as they develop by sorting objects into three or more categories e.g. colour or size – work with a partner or small group to complete a relay.
  • As above – matching numbers to pictures e.g. the number 5 to a picture of five fish, etc.
  • As above – matching letters to simple words e.g. does the letter ‘a’ go with pen or cat?
  • As above – sorting jigsaw pieces to complete simple jigsaws. Divide several jigsaws amongst the groups; children take one piece and run to the place they think that piece belongs to in order for each pair/group to contribute to completing each jigsaw. Place a picture of the completed jigsaws at the start and one in each of the designated areas.
  • As above – threading beads onto a lace.
  • Any of the above activities – placing objects into a pram/trolley/cart and pulling the cart to a designated area, unloading objects and completing the task or throwing objects to a child to catch.
  • Place objects in a bike/tractor/trailer – ride a vehicle towing objects to the designated area, unload objects and complete the task or throw objects to a child to catch.
  • Kicking different balls into a space, chasing after them to pick up / retrieve, carry and place in a designated area or throw/kick to a target or a child and then return to start.

Safety & Organisation


  • the surface is clean and free from obstructions
  • children work in ‘gardens’

Opportunities to

  • develop increasing control and co-ordination in running around obstacles
  • explore simple tasks (physical and cognitive) using a variety of equipment for longer periods of time
  • work safely in a space
  • develop competence in manoeuvring bikes and cars


  • What rules have you made up?
  • What do you have to do to make sure everyone is safe when you are kicking the ball?
  • What is most difficult about this activity?
  • How can you and your partner help one another to improve at this activity?

Can you see the child?

  • Developing increasing control and co-ordination in running around obstacles
  • Exploring simple tasks (physical and cognitive) using a variety of equipment for longer periods of time
  • Working safely in a space
  • Developing competence in manoeuvring bikes and cars

  • Most of the time

    Encourage the child to:

    • explore a more complicated and longer route to the designated area, e.g. stepping stones, balance beam, parachutes
    • throw or kick objects to small targets
    • try and beat their best time/score
  • Sometimes

    Encourage the child to:

    • practise each aspect before playing the game
    • sort into fewer categories
    • have thinking time and discuss the solutions to the problem before they start to run
    • initially work in a ‘garden’ by themselves
    • initially ride tricycles or scoot on a balance bike

Original Resource

See original resource.


Crazy Capers As We Progress