Camel Walking

Camel Walking Gym Skill

  • Hands and feet on the floor
  • Legs straight and apart, bottom high
  • Lift same side hand and leg together to walk in a wide shape

Camel Walking Activities

Trains and Tunnels

As we become more skillful

View more activities for this skill in other Progression Steps

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Step 1 - As we develop

No activities for this step

Step 2 - As we progress

Front Support

Forward Lunge

Sleeping Camels

As we apply our skills

Ships and Bridges

As we become more skillful

Thread the Needle

As we become more skillful

DVD Game

As we progress

Step 3 - As we become more skillful

Support Train Walk

As we apply our skills

Snapping Supports

As we apply our skills

Spinning Supports

As we apply our skills

Baby Elephants

As we apply our skills

Monkey Walking

As we apply our skills

Wall Walk

As we apply our skills

Windscreen Wiper Tag

As we apply our skills

Tandem Soldier

As we apply our skills

Caterpillar Walking

As we apply our skills

Step 4 - As we apply our skills

Front Support

As we apply our skills

Step 5 - As we apply our skills in a variety of contexts

No activities for this step