Bouncing a Ball

As we become more skillful

Play to Learn


Bouncing is pushing the ball towards the ground with sufficient force to allow the ball to bounce back up to hand/hands at a level just below the hip. Bouncing is typically performed in a stationary position. It is important for playground games, basketball, handball and rhythmic gymnastics.

  1. Start with one hand supporting the ball and the other on top of the ball
  2. The feet are slightly astride
  3. Use the fingertips
  4. The wrist controls the ball
  5. Push the ball down
  6. Push the ball slightly forwards
  7. Keep the ball below your waist



  • children keep their heads up

Opportunity to develop

  • Co-ordination
  • Control
  • Spatial awareness
  • Accuracy
  • Hand–eye co-ordination
  • Body awareness
  • Manipulative skills

Physical Development Area of Learning

  • contributes to ‘Personal’ and ‘Adventurous and physical play’ skills sections

If you see

ObservationLikely Cause Solution
Unable to maintain control of the ball in one placeSlaps the ball with an open hand with little controlSpread fingers to control the bounce
Grips the ball with their hands placed on the side of the ball and palms facing each otherStarts with ball in two handsPalms of hands should face the floor
Ball bounces up too highThrusts the ball downward with both armsPractise with balloons and beach balls initially with less bounce. Progress onto sponge balls.
Ball controls the child rather than the child controls the ballPushes too hard on the ballKeep the ball bouncing within a certain area
Ball contacts the surface close to the bodyBall not pushed slightly in front and to the side of the bodyPlace a hoop or rope in front of the child. Aim to keep the ball at arm’s length.
Ball bounces away from the childBody too uprightEncourage a slight forward lean over the ball

Can you see?

  • the child’s feet placed one in front of the other?
  • the child’s opposite foot to their bouncing hand forward?
  • the child showing a slight forward lean?
  • the child starting with the ball at waist height?
  • the child pushing the ball to the ground with a firm follow through?
  • the child remaining in one position whilst bouncing?
  • the child keeping the ball close to their body whilst bouncing?
  • the child pushing the ball to the floor with their fingers?

  • Mostly No

    • Practise the action without a ball.
    • Hold the ball at arm’s length and try to drop the ball in a hoop. Count how many times the ball bounces before stopping still. Repeat using different sized balls / different textured balls.
    • Hold a balloon. Push the balloon to the floor. Try to get it to bounce. Stop the balloon from going up in the air.
    • Using a large fit-ball / Swiss ball, press down to make the ball bounce.
    • Drop a ball or beach ball with two hands. Drop the ball so it bounces up. Touch the ball with one hand or two hands.
  • Yes and No

    • Bounce and catch the ball in a circle, hoop, chalk markings. Keep the ball in the circle. Try various patterns, two bounces and catch.
    • Bounce five times and catch.
    • Bounce the ball on the spot.
  • Mostly Yes

    • Bounce the ball at different levels: knee, waist
    • Bounce the ball close to them, far away, to the side, in front
    • Bounce the ball around the body passing from one hand to the other
    • Bounce different types and sizes of balls
    • How many bounces can the child do in a row?
  • Challenge

    • Bounce a ball around the body whilst standing on a line, a beam or a wobble spot
    • Bounce a ball dropped by your partner to keep the ball under control
    • Bounce a ball at different heights without losing control
    • Bounce the ball in response to a range of cues
    • Combine dribbling with hands, bouncing, catching, throwing and fast feet in response to a range of cues, using different directions, pathways and speeds

Original Resource

See original resource.


Bouncing Ball