Dribbling with Hands

As we become more skillful

Play to Learn


Dribbling is bouncing the ball and moving at the same time. Dribbling requires good hand–eye coordination. It is important in basketball, handball, playground games and rhythmic gymnastics.

  1. The knees are bent, and legs shoulder-width apart
  2. With either hand, push the ball to the floor, leaning slightly forward
  3. Spread the fingers over the ball
  4. Whilst moving, bounce the ball at hip height and slightly to the side
  5. Keep the head up, looking around
  6. Keep the ball under control



  • children keep their heads up

Opportunity to develop

  • Co-ordination
  • Manipulative skills
  • Balance
  • Control

Physical Development Area of Learning

  • contributes to ‘Personal’ and ‘Adventurous and physical play’ skills sections

If you see

ObservationLikely Cause Solution
Bumps into othersLooking at the ballKeep head up and look around
Lose control of the ballBall too far in front of the childKeep ball just in front and to the side of the body
Ball bounces too highSlaps the ballSpread fingertips over the ball and push to the ground
Ball bounces off the child’s bodyBall is bounced too close to the child’s feet and bodyBounce the ball at hip height, slightly to the side of the body. Use markers to create channel to bounce ball in.

Can you see?

  • the child keeping their head up and looking around?
  • the child bending their knees and leaning forward slightly?
  • the child’s fingertips spread over the ball?
  • the child’s ball bouncing to hip height?
  • the child bouncing the ball in front and to the side of their body?
  • the child dribbling with both hands?

  • Mostly No

    • Bounce and catch the ball with two hands within an area
    • Walk around the space balancing the ball on one hand, to encourage arm’s length, and using one hand
    • Walk or run around the space and using one or two hands pat ball/balloon into air, pat onto ground, pat along ground
    • Bounce a ball downwards and catch whilst walking
  • Yes and No

    • Bounce and catch the ball walking with one hand
    • Dribble the ball on the spot and move around whilst bouncing
    • Dribble the ball within an area
    • Dribble the ball for five paces
  • Mostly Yes

    • Bounce and catch the ball whilst running
    • Dribble the ball whilst moving
    • Dribble the ball along a narrow path/line
    • Dribble the ball and change direction
    • Dribble the ball around obstacles
  • Challenge

    • Dribble with hands in different directions and at different speeds, then in response to a range of cues
    • Dribble with hands following a figure of 8, W, M, square, slalom pathway
    • Combine dribbling with hands, bouncing, catching, throwing and fast feet in response to a range of cues, using different directions, pathways and speeds

Original Resource

See original resource.


Dribbling Hands