Ready Position

Ready Position Core Skill

The ‘Ready Position’ is a stance used to react as quickly as possible from. It can be used from stationary or from moving.

  1. Stand feet together
  2. Jump feet to just over shoulder width apart
  3. Emphasise sideways split ...

Ready Position Activities

End to End

As we apply our skills

Creature Chaos

As we apply our skills

Me to You to Me

As we apply our skills

Tip and Run

As we apply our skills

Tag Team Tennis

As we apply our skills

Team Cones

As we apply our skills

Tag Rugby

As we apply our skills

Funky Fives

As we apply our skills

Keep Score

As we apply our skills

4 Goal

As we apply our skills

2 Goal

As we apply our skills

Sprint Start Continuous Relay

As we apply our skills

Spots in Space

As we apply our skills

Precision Passing

As we apply our skills

Myths and Legends

As we apply our skills