Progression Steps and Skills

Learning and progression go hand in hand. Progression is a roadmap for each individual and they may progress at a different rate or take a different path to get to the next stage. 

Progression means learners developing their confidence, motivation and competence in a skill, developing increasing accuracy and proficiency over time. 

The resources on Citbag support an stage-not-age approach by providing adaptable and inclusive resources that cater for various skill levels and interests. Skill progression allows learners to master the fundamental movement skill before advancing to more complex techniques, ensuring that they progress at their own pace. 

Click the steps below to find the fundamental movements skills and activities that will help develop these skills in a fun, safe and appropriate way.

Step 1

As we develop

Pupils will have the confidence and motivation to move in different ways.

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Step 2

As we progress

Pupils will use and improve basic movement skills in familiar and unfamiliar situations.

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Step 3

As we become more skillful

Pupils will develop and apply a range of skills in familiar and unfamiliar and changing situations, exploring space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. 

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Step 4

As we apply our skills

Pupils will transfer a range of movement skills from familiar to unfamiliar and changing situations and environments, using space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. 

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Step 5

As we apply our skills in a variety of contexts

Pupils will independently adapt and apply movement skills across a range of activities and environment, managing space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. 

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Last updated on 21/06/2024