In the recap phase of the lesson, pupils will reflect on what they learned last lesson and plan what they are going to be doing in the current lesson in order to continue to improve their performance.

Examples of some of the questions pupils might be encouraged to ask:

Challenging questions


In the explore phase of the lesson, pupils plan what they might do and develop their ideas so that they experience as wide a range of eventualities as possible.

Examples of some of the questions pupils might be encouraged to ask:

Challenging questions


In the create phase of the lesson, pupils will plan how they are going to answer the specific task and reflect on their progress towards answering that task.

Examples of some of the questions pupils might be encouraged to ask:

Challenging questions


In the intervene phase of the lesson, pupils will reflect on their progress in answering the task so far and then further develop their performances based on that reflection.

Challenging questions


In the perform phase of the lesson, pupils do not ask any questions they perform to the best of their ability. Pupils should be encouraged to perform with a sense of pride. This can be developed by ensuring that all performances are valued and respected. The performance and evaluation strategies identified in RECIPE facilitate this. The PESS Approach to Teaching Dance encourages pupils to appreciate their own and other pupils’ performances. It also encourages them only to make comments that are positive and constructive and that will help pupils to make progress and improve. This will promote self-confidence and higher levels of self-esteem and will hopefully allow all pupils to enjoy performing.


In the evaluate phase of the lesson, pupils will reflect on their performance and plan how they are going to further develop their performance next time.

Challenging questions

Last updated on 29/06/2022