In the recap phase of the lesson, pupils will reflect on what they learned last lesson and plan what they are going to be doing in the current lesson in order to continue to improve their performance.
Examples of some of the questions pupils might be encouraged to ask:
- What did I/we/you do last lesson?
- What did I/we/you do well?
- What did I/we/you identify to improve?
- What do I/we/you need to change/practise/learn?
- Is there anything else I/we/you could do to improve?
- Who could I/we/you ask to help me/us/you?
- Where could I/we/you find out more information to help me/us/you?
Challenging questions
- Why did I/we/you identify this and on what basis did I/we/you make this decision?
- Am I / Are we/you still happy that this is the aspect I/we/you want to improve?
- How do I/we/you go about improving this aspect?
In the explore phase of the lesson, pupils plan what they might do and develop their ideas so that they experience as wide a range of eventualities as possible.
Examples of some of the questions pupils might be encouraged to ask:
- What am I/are we/you expected to do?
- Do I/we/you understand the task? What shall I/we try? What are you going to try?
- Can I/we/you do it like this?
- What else could I/we/you try?
- What have I/we/you tried so far?
- Is there another way I/we/you could do this?
- Could I/we/you use a different body part / dance action / direction / level / speed / shape / pathway?
- Can I/we/you improve the quality of my/our/your performance? How can I/we/you do that? What will I/we/you do?
Challenging questions
- Is this too difficult for me/us/you?
- How can I/we/you make it easier and be more successful?
- Is this too easy for me/us/you? How can I/we/you make it harder and be more successful?
- Can I/we/you use a different dance element? Unison / canon / mirror / storyboard approach / contrasting actions / action and reaction / contact / motif development / verse–chorus / lifts etc.
In the create phase of the lesson, pupils will plan how they are going to answer the specific task and reflect on their progress towards answering that task.
Examples of some of the questions pupils might be encouraged to ask:
- Which actions do I/we/you like best?
- Which actions do I/we/you perform best?
- Do I/we/you understand the task? What do I/we/you understand by the task? Do you think that this is what is expected?
- Which actions/aspects answer the task most appropriately?
- What are the components of the task?
- What do I/we/you think I/we/you could do to answer the task? What do I/we/you think will work well?
- Am I / Are we/you being as creative/imaginative as I/we/you can?
- What do I/we/you need to include? What have I/we/you included so far? What else do I/we/you need to include?
- What do I/we/you need to do to answer the task more successfully? What else do I/we/you need to do to improve? Could I/we/you do anything better? How can I/we/you make you answer better?
Challenging questions
- How can I/we/you be more creative?
- Can I/we/you use a different dance element? Unison / canon / mirror / storyboard approach / contrasting actions / action and reaction / contact / motif development / verse–chorus / lifts, etc.
- Am I / Are we/you communicating my dance idea clearly? What do my/our/your audience understand by my/our/your dance actions? How can I/we/you find out?
- How can I/we/you refine my/our/your dance actions to communicate more effectively my/our/your dance ideas?
In the intervene phase of the lesson, pupils will reflect on their progress in answering the task so far and then further develop their performances based on that reflection.
- What was the focus of today’s learning?
- What do I/we/you need to do to be successful?
- How does my/our/your progress compare to the model answer highlighted by the teacher? What am I / are we/you doing that is similar to the model answer? What am I / are we/you doing that is different to the model? Does it matter that it is different?
Challenging questions
- What am I / are we/you going to do about the differences?
- How can I/we/you make your answer more like the model highlighted by the teacher?
- How can I/we/you make my/our/your answer more successful?
- How can I/we/you improve my/our/your performance?
- Is this the best I/we/you can do?
- Am I / Are we/you ready to perform?
- Am I / Are we/you confident that I/we/you are going to be successful?
In the perform phase of the lesson, pupils do not ask any questions – they perform to the best of their ability. Pupils should be encouraged to perform with a sense of pride. This can be developed by ensuring that all performances are valued and respected. The performance and evaluation strategies identified in RECIPE facilitate this. The PESS Approach to Teaching Dance encourages pupils to appreciate their own and other pupils’ performances. It also encourages them only to make comments that are positive and constructive and that will help pupils to make progress and improve. This will promote self-confidence and higher levels of self-esteem and will hopefully allow all pupils to enjoy performing.
In the evaluate phase of the lesson, pupils will reflect on their performance and plan how they are going to further develop their performance next time.
- How successfully did I/we/you answer the task?
- What were my/our/your strengths? Which aspect am I / are we/you most pleased with?
- What did I/we/you like best about the performance and why did I/we/you like it?
- Which aspects of my/our/your performance answered the task most successfully?
- Which body part / dance action / direction / level / speed / shape / pathway did I/we/you include?
- Which aspects of my/our/your performance answered the task least successfully? Do I/we/you know how I/we/you could improve on those aspects? If not, do I/we/you know who you could ask for help or where I/we/you could find help? If yes, how am I / are we/you going to improve those aspects? What exactly will I/we/you practise/refine/amend next time?
- What have I/we/you learned today? What impact will that have on me/us/you in the future? As a result of what I/we/you now know, what am I / are we/you going to do?
Challenging questions
- How effective was my/our/your use of unison / canon / mirror / storyboard approach / contrasting actions / action and reaction / contact / motif development / verse–chorus / lifts, etc.?
- How effectively did I/we/you communicate your dance idea? Did my/our/your audience appreciate your dance idea? How do I/we/you know?
- Did I/we/you dance to the best of your ability? Did this dance reflect my/our/your ability?
- Which characteristics of which level descriptions did I/we/you demonstrate? On what basis have I/we/you made this judgement?